Thursday, December 5, 2013

Payza US Account Issue Troubles Hosting Providers

Payza US Account Issue Troubles Hosting Providers

Payza which is an alternative for Paypal is used to so many cheap web hosting providers as well as prominent web hosting providers like Hostwind. But recent problems with Payza having their US accounts frozen has become a problem for both web hosting providers and customers. It has effected only US Payza accounts but it effecting indirect to many other Payza users too.

US based Web hosting providers Hostwind no longer take Payza as payment method since their moeny is froze too. But it put many of their none US clients in serious trouble since they can't pay for their web hosting accounts unless they have Paypal. Usually those who use Payza are unable to use Paypal for some reason. Also US Clients who use Payza as payment method unable to pay for their hosting account too. 

Payza was slowly gaining trust of people and growing again. This is huge blow for them and also those who using it. I know US Payza users are angry with them about this problem but I'm not sure where really the problem is. I don't see why would Payza intentionally froze US Account. It's like a suicide since US is their biggest market even thought more none US users they have. So this might not something in their control as they mention. Also I wonder if Paypal as something to do with this indirectly. Every time some rival for PayPal gaining on them something happens. This is not the first time.

Anyway I really hope this won't be the end of Payza. It hasn't effected accounts out side of US so I don't believe they will go down like Liberty Reserve. But this issue is a huge set back from and bigger problem for Payza users.

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